====== 6th July 2009 Meeting Notes ====== Scheduled topics include : * DokuWiki the wiki which powers the communicate site. * Quick Keyboard Access : [[http://blacktree.com/?quicksilver|QuickSilver]] (new topic) * Digital Storage Systems (new topic) * Thecus NAS Storage * [[http://www.lucidsystems.org/drobo/|Drobo]] Easily Expandable Storage * USB Memory sticks (they are not all created equal) * Recycling old computer equipment (new topic) * [[http://www.molten.org.nz|Molten Media]] (recycling for old IT equipment) * Virtual Private Networks (VPN) (new topic) * [[http://m0n0.ch/|Monowall]] (open source and provides VPN) * Command Line Tools (new topic) * disktype * Disk Problems (Alan) * [[http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20020925051644480|How to set ignore permissions from the commandline]] * [[http://tuppis.com/lingon/|Lingon : GUI for LaunchD]] \\ \\
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