====== Quick Links ======
* [[:register|Register]] for this meeting.
* [[:meetings:|List of meeting notes]].
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====== 2012 Meeting Notes ======
Scheduled topics include :
* Recycling Equipment
* Backups
* [[http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/l-clonezilla/index.html|Clonezilla - Migrating to Virtual Environment]]
* [[http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2004/10/linux-20041013.ars|LVM Snapshots]]
* Interesting websites (continued topic)
* [[http://sharesend.com/|www.sharesend.com]] (senduit - replacement)
* [[http://zoomerang.com/|www.zoomerang.com]] (survey site)
* [[http://www.surveymonkey.com|www.surveymonkey.com]] (survey site)
* [[http://www.mono-1.com/monoface/main.html|monoface]] (fun)
* [[http://ifttt.com/|IFTTT]] (If This Then That - Automation)
* [[http://truebit.tv/videos|Truth in IT Videos]] (Various topics)
* [[http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/taskpaper/|Task Paper]] (new topic)
* Straming over TCP/IP : [[http://www.videolan.org/|VLC]] //Video Lan Client// (new topic)
* Data Center Power Usage (new topic)
* NASA super computers [[http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/features/supercomputing_051409.html|monitoring oceans temperatures]]
Photo Credit: NASA
* Wireless network deployment (further discussion).
* Keeping Documentation up to date (more on wiki's)
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki|Wiki]] ([[http://www.wikimatrix.org/|comparison matrix]], [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY|what is a Wiki in plain english]])
* [[http://gitit.net/|Gitit]] (new topic)
* [[http://www.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki]] (revisited)
* [[http://twiki.org/|TWiki]] (new topic)
* Network Monitoring (new topic)
* [[http://www.ntop.org|ntop]] (web based network monitor)
* [[http://nmap.org/|nmap]]
* [[http://faktory.org/m/software/nmap/|NMapFE]] (Mac OS X GUI for nmap)
* [[http://www.wireshark.org/|WireShare]] ([[http://comparitech.net/bestnetworkanalyzers
|other list of network monitoring options]])
* [[http://www.tastycocoabytes.com/cpa/index.php|CocoaPacketAnalyzer]] (Mac OS X GUI for nmap)
* Intrusion Detection (new topic) :
* [[http://www.ossec.net/|OSSEC]]
* Content Filtering (new topic)
* Transparent Proxy Servers (update)
* TextMate Features (extended prize topic)
* Quick Look at OmniGraffle (extended prize topic)
* Digital Storage Systems (new topic)
* Thecus NAS Storage
* [[http://www.lucidsystems.org/drobo/|Drobo]] Easily Expandable Storage
* USB Drive Adapters
* USB Memory sticks (they are not all created equal)
* Mail : Dealing with SPAM (new topic)
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greylisting|Greylisting]]
* [[http://www.spamgourmet.com/|Spam Gourmet]]
* [[http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/mail-ical-address-book.html|Apple Mail]] (Built in junk handling capabilities)
* NetBoot and Cloning : Clonezilla (new topic)
* [[http://www.openssh.com/|OpenSSH]] [[http://www.openssh.com/|{{:openssh.png?30|}}]](new topic)
* sshd (secure file transfer server - server to scp)
* [[http://cyberduck.ch/|CyberDuck]] (extended topic)
* Web Server Software
* Hosting Multiple sites : [[http://httpd.apache.org/Apache|Apache]] v2 Virtual Hosts (new topic)
* [[http://www.hiawatha-webserver.org/|Hiawatha]] (HTTP Server focued on security)
* [[http://www.nginx.org/|Nginx]](HTTP server and mail proxy server)
* Reviewing Logs (continued topic)
* Apache Logs : [[http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2008/10/05/fun-way-to-view-logs-with-logstalgia/|logstalgia]]
* Apache Logs : [[http://n0rp.chemlab.org/vlogger/|VLogger]] ([[http://www.howtoforge.com/apache_log_splitting_vlogger|tutorial]])
* LBackup Logs : [[http://www.lucidsystems.org/tools/lbackup|email reports]]
* Monitoring server room temperature (new topic)
* [[http://www.molten.org.nz|Molten Media]] (recycling for old IT equipment)
* Managed Switches (new topic)
* Virtualization
* [[http://www-jpc.physics.ox.ac.uk/home_home.html|x86 virtualization within your browser]] (working?) (new topic)
* To virtualize or not to virtualize that is the question (new topic)
* VMWare Fusion : Automated Backup (extended topic)
* Cool Command Line Tools (new topic)
* screen (GNU)
* flip (convert line endings)
* jot (create numbers)
* [[http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/smartmontools/|S.M.A.R.T monitoring tools]]
* [[http://disktype.sourceforge.net/|disktype]] (auto detect partition types)
* PodCasting
* [[http://k12online.wm.edu/K12_Kolb_Cell.mov|Cell Phones]]
* Podcasting - Various Options ([[http://gabcast.com/|gabcast]])
* Presentation software
* [[http://www.sedna.de/|~sedna]] (Mac OS X Application)
* Helpful Macintosh Administration Resources
* [[http://www.macos.utah.edu|Mac Managers]] : Podcasts ([[feed://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/utah.edu.1380568002.01380568015|video]], [[feed://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/utah.edu.1380568002.01380568014|audio]])
* [[http://www.macenterprise.org/|MacEnterprise]] : [[http://www.macenterprise.org/webcasts|Webcasts]]
* [[http://webcast.training.apple.com|Snow Leopard Server Setup]] ( January 19th 2010)
* [[http://www.seminars.apple.com/sol?cat=ent|Apple Deployment Seminars]]
* Firewalls
* [[http://www.pfsense.com/|Pfsense]]
* [[http://www.semiaccurate.com/2009/07/31/apple-keyboard-firmware-hack-demonstrated/|Apple Keyboards Vulnerable]]
* Videos
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46735ly0vWA&feature=PlayList&p=0274989D6E47494F&playnext_from=PL&index=2&playnext=2|Microsoft Surface]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_XcfwXSNq0&feature=PlayList&p=0274989D6E47494F&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=6|Amazing technology from Japan]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2G94ImcUuY|Intercloud Computing]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf0rjtnwC9A&feature=related|Taking the internet into the 21st Century]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHlDjz4p4k|Sixth Sense Computing]]
* [[http://www.awayfind.com/|Instant message from the web]]
and many more than time ever allows for.....
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===== More Notes =====
Will be filled in during the meeting....
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====== Prizes ======
^ Prize ^ Value (NZD) ^
| [[http://www.bluem.net/en/mac/linkaboo/|LinkaBoo]] | $15.00 |
| [[http://www.embraceware.com/awaken/|Awaken]] | $20.00 |
| [[http://macromates.com/|TextMate]] | $80.00 |
| [[http://www.topoftree.jp/tree/|Tree]] | $60.00 |
| [[http://www.circusponies.com/notebook/|NoteBook]] | $75.00 |
| [[http://www.marinersoftware.com/sitepage.php?page=85|MacJournal]] | $70.00 |
| [[http://www.stclairsoft.com/DefaultFolderX/index.html|DefaultFolder]] | $55.00 |
| [[http://uptimedevices.com/|UptimeDevices Environmental Sensor Hub]] [[http://uptimedevices.com/sensorhubs.php|SH-2+I]] | $900.00 |
| [[http://gopro.com|GoPro HD Hero]] | $399.00 |
^ **Total Prize Pool Value** ^
| **$1,654.00** (NZD) |
You must [[:register]] and attend for a chance to win.
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